
Tanja Brandon gives young and aspiring musicians the best opportunity to rent an instrument. A collection of the finest quality violins, violas and cellos in all levels, is available for this purpose. These instruments are set-up, prepared and made ready to play by Tanja Brandon, which ensures that everything will work to perfection. The rental instrument comes with bow and case. When you pick up the instrument a rental contract will be made and signed and paid for one year. If the contract is interrupted previously a refund will be given. All you need to do is insure the instrument. Tanja Brandon has this information ready. When buying a rental instrument or other instrument from the collection, after a rental period, you will get a good discount.
Especially for the Baroque musicians, it is possible to rent a baroqueviolin or viola. These instruments are equipped with gut strings, a beautiful baroquefingerboard and baroque tailpiece